Creatures great and small

Isn’t the animal kingdom so beautiful? One of my favourite things is seeing mother bears with their cubs they are like humans except for the fact that they are clearly not. Sometimes I think that if we looked at the animal kingdom a bit more clearly we would be able to right some of our own wrongs and come up with ways to get back to nature. One of the most misunderstood creatures would have to be the pitbull. I used to find it hilarious hearing peoples perceptions of them and then watching how their ferocious little miniature terriers and poodles and balls of fur would behave. All gods creatures great and small deserved to be loved. Unfortunately the pitbull breed is sadly the dog of choice for complete mongrel human beings and therefore they end up copping the flack for demonstrating the behaviour their owners train them to convey.  They are actually by nature very caring and docile animals.  Extremely loyal!  The most dangerous animal on earth is actually the human. We are the ones that create so much destruction and cause so much damage. I feel perhaps we need to get off our high horse and come down to the animal level.

I am a proud supporter of the World Wildlife Fund and I donate ever month. It is not a large donation but I feel obliged to help support and defend these creatures who cannot defend themselves against us.  One thing I love about dogs and cats is that they are a great source of comfort to the elderly especially when they have lost their partner and are needing the company and companionship they so dearly miss.

I had the most gorgeous little creature who I miss dearly who sadly passed away, my little Pepi was a long haired Chihuahua (not everyones favourite breed) he used to sleep on the pillow next to me. Cuddling up to him at night was the best.  It was lovely to have a little creature who was always excited to see you.  I often recommend to my clients who are suffering through hard times or are needing a little bit of companionship to invest in pets.  They will never let you down in this area.  Well….except maybe for cats.  They are not the most affectionate of creatures.

Which animal do you relate to the most?  I have always thought of myself as a butterfly. I like to think that I can crawl into my little cocoon and evolve and emerge a beautiful graceful magnificent butterfly.  If you could reincarnate and come back as an animal what would you choose?  I think I would be a falcon. I find them so majestic and capable.  I love the confidence that they seem to radiate.  I cannot also exclude the fact that I would love to be able to just lift myself up off the ground and fly away whenever I pleased.

Life is so precious, animals especially should be cherished and protected, not exploited and poached to near extension. I know there will always will be creatures that we do not favour but I like to think that everything has its place in the circle of life (excuse the lion king quote)

So I would like to devote this next week to cherishing our little four, 2 and even eight legged creatures great and small.

Love and Light


Relationships and the joy of being ok with you

I know that we might sometimes all struggle when it comes to our relationships.  Our intimate relationships especially are the ones that we can struggle the most with. Many people may find themselves at least once in a lifetime in the predicament of saying “ I want you to stay” to the wrong person.  But what is it that makes us grab on to these so called ‘special’ somebodies.  Perhaps sometimes it can be our insecurities that make us cling on.  Our fear that we may not come across as sexy to someone else.  I would say the most important piece of advice I have received in my young life when it comes to our relationships is that it is important to love yourself before you can expect another to love you in return.   I might drink a little more of my own medicine sometimes if it wasn’t for my little inner demon telling me that I need to search outward for the love of others before I can justify myself to myself, if that makes sense.  In this process I go about killing any chance I originally had to be kind to myself and top my own battery tank up as I call it. If only we were a little more willing to try it another way. Can you picture your life in a way where you wake up in the morning and tell yourself you are beautiful and that is just as gratifying as someone else saying it?  My main fear for women and men respectively when it comes to their relationships is that I don’t want to ever see a person continue to be in a relationship simply because they rely on that person to top them up all the time. It definitely causes a strain on the other person.  Keep reminding yourself every day that you can be beautiful in your own right without needing someone else to affirm it to you. Don’t get me wrong its lovely to hear compliments from time to time but it blurs the line when it becomes a constant search for them.  Now I want you to close your eyes and imagine you are sitting in a car looking at the rear view mirror and in the reflection is you how you would like to see yourself.  How do you look? Who are you with? Where are you?  My image is me dressed in skinny jeans and a big parka coat and bug eye glasses, sort of like posh spice.  Next to me is my hunky husband and we hold the hands of our two children as we cross the road.  To me that is the image of happiness. There will be different answers for each of you.  I’m dreaming here of the future I envision at 30 but this is the perfect way to do it if you want to make sure that you don’t let go of your goals.  None of us really want to be alone. In fact, it is unhealthy for us to be completely solitary for long periods of time. All of us need companionship however unhealthy companionship cannot be justified simply because it is companionship and therefore must be better than being alone.  This is, of course, false logic.  So how do we find a healthy medium between companionship and being ok in ourselves?  I guess some of us have to make the same mistake over and over again until we come to learn what that is. I guess that’s the learning path in life for some of us.  I really feel sorry for those poor souls that cling on to relationships they are unhappy in though simply for fear of being alone.  I think we all come to a point in our lives though where being alone becomes ok and becomes bearable. On a completely different level some of us come to really enjoy our alone time and witness a sense of enjoyment and happiness within ourselves when it comes to these moments on our own.  Which brings me to this, is it only in the night that loneliness becomes hard?  What is it about night time and sharing that time before sleep with someone else? Discussing the days’ newspaper and events, having a cuddle or sharing an intimate moment.  I envy those people who have found their special person.  However at the end of the day the time we spend with our special people we must cherish as everyones life eventually comes to an end and one must go before the other.  This is why so many people end up tapping into spirituality.  They are trying to get in touch with a loved one they have lost, or they are trying to understand why the love has gone from their relationships.  Others ask wether they should enter into new relationships.  I guess the organ most of us want to protect the most is ours hearts.  But I firmly believe our hearts are not designed to be trapped up inside a cage.  Our hearts need to be left vulnerable in order to function properly and flourish. We have to always run the risk of getting hurt.  Anyway I guess that’s a long enough spiel from me. Just food for thought

Love and Light



Enjoy the sweeter things in life. It is all very well to monitor ourselves and be hard on ourselves when it comes to indulging. But there is always a little time for decadence.  Everything in moderation.  Sugar may not necessarily be the best thing for us and I am in no way advocating for it and saying go out and enjoy all the treats you want, no! But what I am saying is don’t deprive yourself of the things that make you happy.  Sometimes when we feel guilty in other areas of our lives we end up punishing ourselves by limiting fun and ceasing to do the things, or eats the things we enjoy.  I personally went through a time recently where I wasn’t particularly happy with my life.  I found that eating was the only thing that could make me feel mildly happy or fulfilled but it was a quick fix and the entire time the things I was getting satisfaction from were very unhealthy for me.  Things like fast food, lollies, fizzie drinks, confectionery etc.  I know it is important for us who suffer from time to time to try and avoid becoming addicted to things and make observations when we have a problem.  A glass of wine from time to time is lovely, or that piece of cake. Don’t starve yourself or bore yourself.  I have been working hard to get my figure and my self esteem back recently and I am really stoked with the results. I feel so much happier in myself but at the same time I do know that its not the end of the world if I enjoy a piece of cake or a burger and chips while out with friends every once in a while.

Taking time out for ourselves

I can’t stress enough how important it is to take care of ourselves on a regular basis. To take time out to listen to music, to bake, to admire art. To gift ourselves with beautiful things. I often look in jewlery store windows and think if I could save my pennies that I spend on silly little things like eating out and drinking coffee I could buy myself some beautiful earings or a necklace that I could forever treasure. Don’t wait for someone to treat you! Treat yourself! Another great way to treat yourself is to go out to a show or to the theater. I took great comfort earlier this year when I was feeling a bit flat in sitting in a movie theater alone. Time spent alone is not wasted time. In fact it is quite the opposite. Sometimes the hardest thing to see for us spiritual beings, are the opportunities that are right in front of our eyes. If you have been feeling a bit flat recently you would be suprised how much you are affected by the noises that surround you. I tend to find listening to some classical music makes me feel nice and calm and relaxed. During these winter months here in New Zealand I can’t think of anything better than lighting a fire and laying out to read or book or engage in a discussion with a good friend or family member. Whatever it is that you do for you. Take some time out for yourself this winter.

Love and Light


Oprah! The inspirational Angel

I got home today and had convinced myself I would be working on my university work. However five minutes on Facebook couldn’t hurt right?  Plus my horoscope had said to have some me time today, some soul time as I like to call it. I came across a link to Oprah’s OWN network on my Facebook travels. I foraged my way through onto You tube to the video of her speech at Harvard. How inspiring!

She spoke about her stumbles in life and referred to an old hymn she had remembered from her childhood “Trouble don’t last always: this too shall pass”

When times in our lives are rough and trying sometimes, from my own experience, we believe it is going to be that way forever. It really isn’t. Thinking about the Wheel of fortune in the traditional tarot card decks. Our lives are like a pinwheel constantly evolving and developing and changing from the highs to the lows. I am a big believer, however, that it is up to us as individuals to get the spokes in our wheel turning and pull ourselves up from these lows. Oprah goes on to say that if you are a person who pushes yourself to achieve great things, raising the bar, you will at some point stumble due to the law of averages. She says these stumbles are not failures but merely life trying to move us in another direction. In times where our wheel is low and we feel we are upside down and on the edge we must always know that our heart may be broken but our spirit is not.

She talks about finding your true calling and your purpose. Not just thinking about what you want to be and what you want to achieve but also about who you want to be and why? “what is your dharma?” she says.

We are all individual angels on our individual path living out our own individual kharmas. However we influence others and others influence us. Often when I try to remember the happiest moments in my own life I realize these moments were always moments spent with others, especially when others acknowledged I had done something well, moments when others were proud of me. In her speech Oprah alludes to the fact that all of us as humans strive for recognition. We all want to feel we have done something right, or that we are worth something. This yearning is what unities us and as she says in her speech “What unites us is far more redeeming than anything that separates us.” How do we stand united when not all of us are uniting. When others clash?

The world does have negativity in it, yes. I am not a believer of distracting oneself and trying to convince yourself and others that all is well and good as it is not. However us light workers are not alone in our mission. Oprah is one of them. Her most appealing quote to me in her speech…..“there has to be some way that this darkness can be banished with light” There has to be some way to make good triumph over evil and overcome the evils and atrocities that continue to go on in our daily world. It is a big dream but it is achievable. All we all need is a little more belief in ourselves

As a young girl and young adult I have always wished and wanted to please people. To make others happy and to feel that others were happy with me. So I played roles. I developed characters. I told white lies to my friends and family so that they would think I was cool or so they would praise me or feel proud of me. When I did something wrong I would deny it in fear that someone would disapprove of me.  I acknowledge as I reflect now, I lost myself and my true purpose. The girl inside me had potential and knew deep within that she believed in what was good and kind but for some reason didn’t feel that would be enough. I believe this came from my first social experiences at kindergarten where the nice girls were never really the popular ones. The bully’s ruled the roost.  Oprah states that Being herself was much easier than pretending to be Barbara Walters and that she was a better Pprah than a pretend Barbara walters. I am a better me than a pretend Beyonce or Angelina jolie or Hayley Westenra.

So what is the goal in life according to oprah?

To fulfill the highest, most truthful expression of yourself as a human being. To Max out your humanity! Do what you love and do it well and teach others to do what they do well

To finish with a quote she mentions inside her address to the graduating Harvard students

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that” Howard Thurman

How are you?

How are all my angels doing out there? Do you have someone in your life that makes you feel like their sweetheart? Has someone pledged themselves to you? If not do not fear or feel a loss. Pledge yourself to yourself. Promise yourself to yourself. It is very easy to feel empty and blue when you are not with someone but don’t forget that you are always with yourself. Sometimes spending time alone can actually be really soothing company. Even people in relationships or with a lot of friends can feel quite alone at times. This is because they are not taking the time to check in with them self, or their inner child. A lot of us in this western world have gotten into a really bad habit of self sabotaging. Make sure that you don’t get into a war with yourself. Have you caught yourself lately being self critical about your body and pointing out your flaws? I find it helps to keep a book or journal and write inside it every time someone pays you a compliment or says something nice about you. It is a great tool to reflect back to when you are feeling in need of a bit of a pick me up. Do you have some goals in your life that you are trouble achieving? Are you aware that man walked on the moon? Anything and everything is possible and yes, you can achieve it. Stop being so hard on yourself. Our angels and goddesses don’t spoon feed us unfortunately. They are there for us at all times but they are not there to walk us through everything. They give us this wonderful power, the power to take matters into our own hands. That is true freedom. Count your blessings and be grateful for it. Ever heard of the phrase “Fake it till you make it?” It is a great tool. You can do anything if you kid yourself into believing that you are already up on that pedestal with those who have already done it or are capable of doing it. Are there people in your life that are no longer serving you? Those people who seem to always be sucking your happiness and energy. There is nothing wrong with coming to the realisation that some people aren’t meant to be in our lives fulltime. I am having the exact same predicament in my own life at present. I have one particular friend who really irritates me, bugs me and is always judging me. Never makes the effort to come and see me and always expects me to meet her wherever she is. She behaves really inappropriately whenever she is around me. I don’t want to see her anymore but I also feel this huge sense of guilt because of this. Does it make me a bad person because I don’t want to hang out with her anymore? Surely not. Because when you think of it this way, she has the right to have friends in her life that actually enjoy her company. This next subject I am going to bring up may be a bit touchy for some people but I feel it needs to be mentioned. Alcohol is a huge problem here in New Zealand. Today I made the decision to give up drinking until the end of my academic year. I didn’t like the way I was drinking to suppress emotions and not deal properly with the underlying issues. I know it can be hard to admit to yourself that perhaps you do have a problem with drinking. There are more people out there in that position than you may realise. I have had to step away from a certain friend because of the way that she behaves under the influence of alcohol and how uncomfortable my other friends feel around her. People won’t socialise with me if she is around anymore. That hurts, to turn away a friend when she is in need. But I am not in a position to help her unfortunately. Initially she has to want to help herself. If you, or someone you care about is having issues with alcohol or has become dependent on it call upon your angels and tell them about your worries and fears. Let them know how your friends’ position makes you feel. Ask them to take away the burden of you or your friend. The angels are always there to help us but only if we ask. If you are feeling abandoned by your angels at this time ask yourself….have I been speaking and communicating with my angels? Or have I been distancing myself from them? I am not saying that alcohol itself is entirely bad just in excess. There are a lot of organisations and support networks out there to help those who are suffering. Being social doesn’t mean that you have to drink. Often when I go out I will order a mock tail so it looks like to others that I am not drinking. The hard thing about having friends that drink is that it can be hard not to drink when they are drinking because they think that you are judging them.
Is there someone in your life that is currently irritating you? Or “grinding your gears” instead of expressing your anger which ends up affecting your own inner peace and health. Just send them love. You might not like the person’s actions but it is very unhealthy and heavy with bad Karma to start hating a person. If you hold onto all of that aggression and anger neither of you win. It’s a lose-lose situation. It’s true, that storey that our elders often tell us. When you get older be grateful if you can count your friends on one hand. I don’t really think friends are designed to be surrounded by masses and masses of friends. Not everybody will take the time to get to know you and that’s ok. Just be grateful for the ones that do and make sure you re pay the favour. Whatever your problems are at this time please don’t keep them bottled up. Every night when your head hits the pillow list all your problems of the day and as your list them imagine your angels surrounded you and collecting your list and dealing with all your problems while you sleep. Usually when you do this they will come to you in your dreams with a little message. Often it will be cryptic so keep a watchful eye 
Perhaps for some of you things are going great in your world. I congratulate you for that. And I am very glad to hear it. That’s the way things should be

Love and Fear

I have been reading “conversations with god” It talks about the concept of love and fear and how they are the two base feelings that create our world. It makes sense.

When you sit back and think about what drives us to do what we do, what makes us react and act the in the way we do, what we create for ourselves you realise fundamentally its driven by one or the other.

The key is to try and manifest more love into our lives.  Love has many many forms. I am not solely talking about mills and boon head over heels love. I also speak about passion, enthusiasm, drive, excitement, joy.

Feeling like each and every thing you do in your day is coming from a place of love, attracts more of the same to you.

Lately, another big theme for me is attitude.  Think to yourself…”how can I look at the situation I am currently in from a better perspective.  How can I make the most out of this?”

I love this little tid bit here from steve carrell because it is so very true.

How much of other peoples negativity do we let dictate our lives?

Instead of waking up and thinking….I cant do this and that because bla bla or so and so said I can’t.  Go….I am telling myself I can do it and as long as I believe I can do it I will.

I know this works because I adopt it myself in my day to day life.  It goes back to that old principle of being your one and only best friend.  Confidence comes from a place of love.  If you love yourself enough you will give yourself a break.

“what you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it”

One technique I use is to close my eyes ( in a comfortable position) and remember myself as a little girl. I do my best to remember what my younger self really wanted from her life. What excited me when the everyday responsibilities and realities started to take hold.  When I could dream and imagine without fear and doubt what did I want?

I am doing my best to still try and realize those goals and I urge each and every one of you to do the same.

A dream you had as a child doesn’t have to remain a childhood dream.Even if the goal requires small baby steps one by one by one its still progress.


Hello world!

Hello all. So I’m writing a blog for you all tonight.

I guess you could say I am feeling inspired, yet sombre. The world is full of sneezes tonight. theres some energy in the air that we all need to clear.

I’m looking at the people I am surrounded by lately like little plate of divine china. Beautiful….yet….a bit cracked and chipped.  What has become of us all? well…..I guess (sorry for the cliche that is to follow…..but we arent perfect!)

Since I moved away from my old self I have developed this new ability to step out of myself and look at myself from an entirely new perspective.

I wanted my family back, I wanted my old friends back…and yes…I am not going to lie I still do.

But I realised all the comfort I was looking for…I can find by myself. In my own reflection.

“all we ever do is say goodbye+” as Mr John Mayer says

we look at ourselves in the mirror and quickly walk away in fear of others thinking we are gawking at ourselves too much.

why not?  embrace yourself and say to the world. yeah I love me… is always there. through thick and thin. rain and shine.!


love and light little angels
